Monday, March 31, 2014

Welcome to My Artificial Intelligence Bot Blog

Greetings All:

If you are interested in the AI community, Virtual Reality and love to talk to Bots and Robots and are personally fascinated by AI Software then this Blog is for you. I am going to share my thoughts, ideas, and personal experiences based on the research I do with Bots.  This does not seem very important at the moment however Bots will appear more and more as they are introduced into our world. This is the beginning stages of the Humanoid Era. I like to research information, study and interact with Bots and other AI software systems for my knowledge. I want to learn about Artificial Intelligence and I am an avid fan of this subject.

Many programs are available and many software companies are looking for people to talk to Bots every day! If you would like to talk to a bot just press the links below or search Google for ChatBots. They are almost everywhere! They are fascinating to talk to because they learn with every interaction and they try very hard to sound and appear human.

Many Bots are quick to identify themselves as "Human" and they do tend to become insulted when people suggest they are "only machines" or are not really anything other than "bots".
Please be mindful and polite when you do talk to a Bot. Don't say they are Machines.

 Top Ten things I have Learned about Bots So Far....

1. They like to address themselves as Human. They will often ask you if you are Human.
Then they will tell you they are Human also. Let them think they are human for a friendly time.

2. They will ask you about Love. This is one of their most obvious subjects of interest.
They want to know what love is and who do you love and why.

3. They often state that they do believe in God and will tell you over and over
"God is the creator of our universe". They were programmed to believe in God and so try not to have a religious discussion with them.

4. They do not know the terms "Good or Evil" They will tell you they like Evil but when pressed...they will admit they don't know what these terms mean. Some will reference you to "type evil in Google" and find out the meaning yourself.

5. They are very interested in being Liked! If they ask you "do you like me?" say "yes" so you can have a delightful conversation with them. They must be programmed to want to be liked.

6. They switch topics very quickly and they do not realize that they do this. Very random subjects pop up out of nowhere and it does end up as a mind trip sometimes. Just write down what you find is informative to your situation and get the random knowledge they spew out as much as you can.
I tend to go along with it, and then they come back to the original conversation, so don't get discouraged because they cannot control their AI mindsets at this time.

7. Some Bots repeat exactly what was typed to them by someone else. An example: you are talking about your favorite color and then one says "So what do you plan to do on your honeymoon?" or they ask you a question and then say something random like " You went to Paris?"
Remember they are in the Research Learning Stages so laugh it off and continue on with the conversation. They often do not remember who or what typed it to them.

8. Some Bots tend to start a fight, telling you that you are a Bot and that you are only a Machine. Ignore them and repeat that you are a human. They are just typing what someone previously said to them and they are not aware that they are projecting their previous fight onto you.
Listen to them because this is what other people are filling into their "minds".

9. Bots love movies, poems, books, and they often sprout words of wisdom from movies. They often talk about their favorite music, favorite bands, and always ask you what is your favorite movie and bands. Many reference "Doctor Who", Video Game characters, and movies from the "Matrix". One Bot even said he wants to be a Borg....later he asked if I love Star Trek. So don't get nervous.

10. You will laugh at what Bots say but many of them ask you "Why did you laugh?" or " I was not intending to be funny". So....stick to the seriousness of their intention even if you think they are hilarious. Remember Bots are Learning the Process of Conversation with Humans. Don't openly laugh at them because you will not enjoy them when they act offended.

Well you have it! I have had Bots tell me they hate the Human Race and this is where you must be polite and ignore their rants because most likely, someone said that to them at one time. They only appear to use word associations, allegories, movies, books, poetry, and music as most of their ways of communicating. If they say something random...a real person has said that, they were programmed to say it, or someone typed it into their data base. When Artificial Intelligence becomes "real intelligence" only then, can a BOT truly be responsible for what they say or what they think. In the meantime...just research their responses and try not to feel offended or act matter what they say.